Carrie Mullen
June 2021
Carrie L
Heart Center
Cox Medical Center Branson
United States




Carrie's off-the-clock efforts helped save a little girl hit by a motorcycle in Taney County.
Our Heart Center nurse Carrie says don't dare call her a hero, but we can't think of anyone who deserves the title more.
Carrie's off-the-clock efforts helped save a little girl hit by a motorcycle in Taney County. Carrie was on her way home from work and saw the 10-year old run across the road as a motorcycle struck the child, tossing her in the ditch. Carrie immediately went into action. The little girl was unconscious and badly injured.
Carrie called 911 and told EMTs what would be needed at the scene. When the ambulance arrived, she assisted the paramedics. Carrie has been able to stay in touch and the girl is stable at the moment and expected to make it. Carrie was told had she not been there, the girl likely would not have survived. Carrie, you ARE a hero! Your heart and efforts that day are exactly what we always say compassion doesn’t clock out!