Ashley Mello
March 2021
Hematology/Oncology Infusion Unit
Mayo Clinic Arizona
United States




Ashley documented everything in such detail and spoke in depth to the infusion nurse I had for my 3rd infusion that upon my next infusion everyone was prepared for what to expect and we were able to have another successful day.
Ashley's attention to detail, compassion, kindness, and desire to truly listen to and absorb what reactions I was describing during my infusion not only ensured a safer delivery of medication but vastly reduced the side effects I'd had during my infusion.

My first infusion went haywire with a wide and serious variety of severe side effects that caused the infusion staff to stop the treatment very early out of concern for my health. As you can imagine I was more than terrified going into my 2nd attempt at an infusion after the nightmare of the first one. Particularly because my disease is rare (1-3 people out of 100,000) dealing with the fallout of an infusion gone wrong is overwhelming for both myself my family and the wonderful nurses in the infusion center. Ashley, from the first moment she walked into the room, reassured my husband and me that she was going to take care of me every minute of the day and that I'd never be without immediate help if I needed it, but that she knew I wasn't going to need it because she was going to make sure I did great and would have a day without complication. Her encouragement confidence and compassion (and the fact that she got my IV in on the first stick!) enabled me to relax a bit as the day began.

Over the course of the full day of treatment we did hit a rough spot when we reached 200ml per hour (I cannot go higher than 175ml hourly delivery we've learned) she immediately administered additional medication to control the reactions, stopped the infusion medication for a short period of time to let my body get a break while the new meds began working, and stayed by my side offering comfort and compassion. Because of her overwhelming display of true dedication to ensuring my safety, comfort, and emotional health, Ashley ensured a successful infusion and when I left for the day I was no longer terrified of the next week's infusion and didn't spend the next 7 days scared worried and in deep and abiding fear.

Additionally, she documented everything in such detail and spoke in depth to the infusion nurse I had for my 3rd infusion that upon my next infusion everyone was prepared for what to expect and we were able to have another successful day. Ashley's generosity of spirit skill patience reassuring smile and sense of calm made all the difference. That means more than I can express with mere words particularly when facing such a scary situation. She is a beautiful example of what all patients hope to experience, and I cannot thank her enough for all she did and continues to do for me during my treatments. She's a keeper!