Alaina Fabian
June 2013
Children's Minnesota
United States




Alaina was the definition of a provider demonstrating family-centered care as well clear clinical skills.
Our world changed with the birth of our first daughter. After trying for four years, with many disappointments along the way, having a baby finally was an amazing gift. But having a preemie wasn't something we were prepared for. B was born at 28 weeks weighing in at 1 pound, 10 ounces to two terrified parents and four grandparents who had other grandkids, but never a situation like this. We were unsure of the situation, unsure of the environment, unaware of what a fighter our daughter was going to be and unbeknownst to us, having Alaina as B's nurse set me on a path to being a real first-time mom.

Alaina was the definition of a provider demonstrating family-centered care as well clear clinical skills. She collaborated with us at every level of the various interactions of care with B so that we were comfortable in doing each new part. Alaina, was more than a nurse, she became a friend of the family.

Alaina took remarkable care of B. It was on Alaina's shift that we saw B smile for the first time. The part that we valued the most about Alaina was her stewardship in taking us to the next level with B's care in many instances.

First, Alaina helped me get over my incredible fear of holding B and getting her in and out of the isolette. Alaina's confidence in me was so powerful, it was like wearing a Mom Cape when I was with B.

Second, with this being my first experience with a baby, let alone a baby with wires, IVs, tubes, etc., Alaina never let any of that get in the way; she had a way of just not even bringing any attention to it, and pretty soon neither did I. It was like it took Alaina to see B as a baby for me to understand that's what she was too, and not just this tiny patient in a hospital.

Third was her inclusion of me when the doctor came in. Alaina was right there, checking for my understanding, validating things I asked before and when decisions needed to be made, she turned to me. Alaina empowered me to be B's advocate.

Finally, Alaina prepared us for B's move to Special Cares Unit in the new Mother Baby Center. She answered our questions, got us a tour of the new unit, and I thank god that it was on Alaina's shift that B was accepted into the unit and she was the one who moved her down there. Through my videotaping of the event and taking crazy amount of pictures, my tears were streaming. I started balling in B's new room knowing that my time with Alaina had ended. The first week, all I told were Alaina stories or funny things she said. Alaina turned the event of coming to see B at the hospital, into more a family gathering at her house. We felt welcomed, understood and most importantly, B's care was never in question with her; no question about it. I believe that Alaina is a true DAISY Nurse for her innovation in helping me care for B (since I doubted myself so much) and her stewardship in preparing us for all is B's next steps. I believe B's success, and my family's ability to maintain their sanity, is due in part to Alaina's care and support. She definitely created an unforgettable experience for my entire family.