February 2021
Cardiac intensive care unit
University Hospital
United States




the time was enhanced by Hope’s presence because I knew dad’s needs were cared for and I could focus all my attention on saying goodbye to him.
My dad was in the CICU. At 12 noon, my brother, two uncles, and I were allowed on the unit to say our goodbyes to him. On that day, Hope Grob, RN, was taking care of him. Hope did an excellent job. She was attentive to his needs and provided us what we needed to have a good final visit. At 3:30 pm, the others left, and I was alone with dad. I gave permission for the blood pressure support and ventilator to be removed from dad. For the next two hours, I had private time to pray, sing hymns, and read the Bible to dad. Hope remained in the room to monitor him for labored breathing and pain. She gave him a series of many injections to allow him to be comfortable in the last few hours. She did her work with great professionalism. She was not a disturbance to my final interaction with dad. Actually, the time was enhanced by Hope’s presence because I knew dad’s needs were cared for and I could focus all my attention on saying goodbye to him. I commend Hope for her work on this day as she supported my dad and me. I commend all who have worked to train Hope to do her job with such skill and compassion.