Anna Dimock
July 2021
Neonatal ICU
UNC REX Healthcare
United States




Anna was very optimistic and kind and made us believe that it will be all right (and it was!).
After an earlier than expected C-section, we were very excited to have our baby in our arms. Things were going well for a day or two in the hospital. Unexpectedly baby became very fussy and it was determined that he had low glucose levels. After failed attempts to bring it up with sugar gel, he was put in the NICU. I was devastated and scared out of my mind. Luckily, the NICU was a few feet away from my actual hospital room and I could walk over any time, which we did. He stayed in the NICU for two days.

All the nurses that took care of him were absolutely lovely. However, Anna stood out. When we met her, she was making little cards with footprints for each baby she took care of. It was holiday-themed and had the baby’s name and a well wish from her on the back. It was so cute and thoughtful—we treasure the card and have it on our fridge now. She introduced herself and said she had heard what happened and was sorry. She also took the time to console us and let us know that this issue does happen and it is common and babies do recover. Anna was very optimistic and kind and made us believe that it will be all right (and it was!). She told us about her one-year-old boy and how fun it has been to see him grow—she helped us think about the future and look forward to that instead of the present of the scary NICU. She wrote down his glucose levels on the board so we could see the progress he was making when we came back to visit. Anna also showed us her tricks on how to change the baby and answered our questions about random baby topics.

Overall, she was a ray of sunshine in a frightening time and we will always remember her and be thankful and appreciative for her kindness and support. The babies and families in the NICU are lucky to have her. She is deserving of this award and much more