Nancy Foreman
February 2021
Nancy D
RHC Primary Care Clinic
Coffeyville Regional Medical Center
United States




Nancy has led our staff through this pandemic with a true servant's heart.
On Monday, March 16, 2020, all our lives changed dramatically due to the Corona Virus pandemic. Our CRMC administration was quick to initiate our FEMA disaster protocols and began daily meetings for months to create our action plans for how to be our communities resource for testing and patient care. Nancy Foreman, RN was pivotal in assisting me to create a COVID-19 Clinic. Nancy worked with me to identify how we would staff this clinic, report our findings to KDHE along with verbally notifying the patients. Nancy has led our staff through this pandemic with a true servant's heart. Nancy has been a resource for all of our other hospitals' departments and our communities clinics that do not perform COVID testing. Whether they are leaving messages on her phone, calling her cell directly, or just dropping by her office to ask questions, get patients scheduled, or just discuss suspected exposures she is always available and willing to listen and respond with little to no notice. With all of this going on for the past 8 months you would think this was a fulltime job in itself. But in reality she also runs our RHC Primary Care Clinic. She staffs and somehow directs patient care throughout each day while juggling all of our own staff that are out for various reasons (including COVID-19). Most days she can be found covering multiple roles due to our coverage struggles. She could be covering the North Entrance Door Screener, then go cover the front desk, then go cover our lab, and then give shots to one of our pediatric patients. All of this could occur within her first hour of being to work. I have personally witnessed her conversations with our patients and their families. Even though she is tired she continues to speak to everyone who calls and provide them with their results, additional scheduling of tests needed, and arrange other resources for our communities patients and employers. I am so thankful and blessed that Nancy Foreman is on my team here at Coffeyville Regional Medical Center.