May 2021
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
United States




Becca jumped in the air in celebration of my accomplishments. This made me feel so good!
Becca is an energetic, positive, and compassionate young nurse whose bubbly personality brought me back to full health in no time! She is very compassionate, and feels her patients' triumphs and falls as if they were her own. When I was finally able to urinate post-op about a week later, Becca jumped in the air in celebration of my accomplishments. This made me feel so good! Her communication skills enabled me to realize that I had to take my recovery day by day, and instead of focusing on how far I had to go, focus on how far I had come. Becca would have chats with me explaining the reasons behind the medicines I was receiving and the care I was given whenever I was confused. She even taught me how to perform some of the work she did on IVs and pumps whenever I was interested. Becca cared for me too, not me the patient, but for me the person. She offered to braid my hair if she had time, we talked about our families and favorite holidays and food. Becca displayed excellence in nursing not through what she did for me but how she taught it to others. People who understand things very well can teach them seamlessly to others, and that’s what Becca did for her student nurses. In particular, she allowed the student nurse, to take my vitals, put on IV bags, bathe me, and watch my PICC line go in. Becca didn't have to do any of these things. But she did because that's the kind of nurse Becca is.