Crystal Westmoreland
May 2021
Ochsner Medical Center - Main Campus New Orleans
New Orleans
United States




Crystal provided excellent care both physically and just as important to me mentally and emotionally.
During my 11-day hospital stay at Ochsner Main Campus, my nurse Miss Crystal Westmoreland took great care of me every day she was assigned me as a patient. She made sure I was taken care of that I was comfortable that I didn't lack anything and that I always felt I had someone to laugh with and smile with. In short, she became like family to me and my wife. This happened every day Crystal was in charge of my care as a nurse. She was my go-to for any questions I had for doctors, and she translated everything back to me if I was unclear about a specific matter. Crystal provided excellent care both physically and just as important to me mentally and emotionally. It is so often easy to lose spirits or feel down or depressed during hospital stays of this length. Crystal made sure I didn't. Not only did she always go the extra mile for me and my spouse when we needed help, she was also my friend. Anyone would be blessed to have Crystal for a nurse, and she is a true addition to the community and family of nurses. She truly cared about me.