May 2021
Loewenberg College of Nursing, University of Memphis
United States
Dr. Power connects with her students striving to provide experiences that assist them in developing critical thinking skills.
Dr. Tracey Power has shown exceptional initiative, creativity, and student-centeredness while creating and delivering high-fidelity pediatric simulations. She has gone above and beyond with her efforts to produce simulations on multiple topics. Student participants reported the experiences were so valuable during a time when clinical experiences were limited by the pandemic. Dr. Power is actively involved in promoting community health locally and internationally. Locally, she coordinated student participation in COVID vaccine clinics to help meet campus and community goals for vaccinations. Nursing students also benefit from her facilitation of study abroad trips where students experience other cultures and carry out health promotion activities. Dr. Power’s leadership is evident in her service to the college of nursing, the university, and local and national nursing organizations. She connects with her students striving to provide experiences that assist them in developing critical thinking skills. Dr. Power is an outstanding faculty member who advocates for the success of her students and the success of the nursing program at Loewenberg College of Nursing.
Note: This is Dr. Power’s 2nd DAISY Faculty Award!
Note: This is Dr. Power’s 2nd DAISY Faculty Award!