Kimmie Bogers
July 2021
Emergency Department
Nemours Children's Hospital
United States




With Kimmie's patient, soothing voice, and mannerisms, she was able to provide safe, effective care to someone special and unique as this patient.
I hope I can paint the picture of the stellar nursing care Kimmie provides to her patients by telling you this one story I was grateful to witness. Kimmie was taking care of a 3-year-old little boy with a history of Autism. He gets very frazzled and anxious in situations and environments that are not usual to him. He often runs away, creates loud vocalizations, and does not tolerate being in a medical setting very well. Basic things, like getting vitals, are a big challenge. With Kimmie's patient, soothing voice, and mannerisms, she was able to provide safe, effective care to someone special and unique as this patient. She frequently gave words of affirmations to this patient, such as "You're doing great," "Good job," "I know you're scared." This made the mother feel more comfortable and at ease. She knew she could trust Kimmie, therefore lowering her anxiety and stress levels. This in turn made the patient very comfortable. The mother shared to her that he is behaving well and has built trust with Kimmie because of her patience and because she, herself, felt calm. She explained that the patient is very receptive to how his mother feels, and she doesn't usually feel great bringing him to the hospital, but because of the way Kimmie has taken care of them, this built a positive experience for them. I witnessed Kimmie holding his hand throughout his entire 30 minute bolus infusion just to make sure he wouldn't pull out his IV and ensure he got all his medication and fluids safely. I saw her try to distract him and play with him, talk to mom, while gently holding his hand where the IV was placed. I saw the patient respond very well, and maybe even forget he had an IV at all thanks to Kimmie's dedication and patience. She makes me feel proud of whom I work next to and I strive to be like her!