Mariel Dearie
May 2021
University Hospital, Newark
United States




Mariel shares her own stories and advises them on how to overcome their fears and anxieties during their hospital stay as well as expressing the appropriate body language to convey empathy and comfort.
Mariel demonstrates an extraordinary commitment to her hospital community while executing her nursing care at an exemplar level. She attunes to the concerns and needs of the patients and family members in order to deliver the best care possible. For instance, she takes her time to listen to an anxious patient so as to provide emotional support. In doing so she shares her own stories and advises them on how to overcome their fears and anxieties during their hospital stay as well as expressing the appropriate body language to convey empathy and comfort. On other occasions, I have seen her guide lost visitors who come to her unit. These visitors don't speak English, yet she took the time to call the translator to better communicate directions. Not only is Mariel patient and family-centered, but she is also an inspiring leader in her unit. As part of the EPIC committee, she educates her colleagues about the recent updates/practices in the EHR. She does this by being transparent and utilizing verbiage that non-technical staff can understand. She also takes an assertive approach as charge nurse on duty. She picks up the call bell and assists those patients who are not part of her assignment. Consequently, the staff looks up to her as one of the resources for help and solutions either through looking up policy or finding the right person who can help solve specific problems. In any case, during my quality and safety rounds, she tends to be compliant with the expectations of a myriad of nursing-sensitive indicators. For example, I see that she labels her central line dressings and IV tubings as well as completing foley care maintenance bundle. If I find her to be wrong, she humbly acknowledges it yet is very open-minded and amiable for a constructive dialogue. All in all Mariel Dearie exemplifies an altruistic yet reasonable character of a UH nurse who delivers the values of compassionate care healthcare excellence and superior service.