Samantha Bond
July 2021
Med/Surg tele II
Morton Plant Hospital
United States




Samantha personally bought a teddy bear that allowed for voice recording and took the time to sit with the patient to record a sweet saying for the spouse.
As we all know, the past year has brought many challenges to the field of nursing and many other aspects of life. With that, nursing has had to continuously adapt to rapid changes and processes surrounding COVID, all while being more flexible with the ongoing efforts of caring for the COVID population. Samantha’s work is felt and appreciated by her fellow team members on the floor along with our patients and their families. She continues to provide compassionate care for patients going above and beyond her normal call of duty.

Just recently, there was a patient who had been admitted to the hospital for over a month, back and forth between the ICU and the MS COVID unit. When Samantha spoke with the patient's family, she discovered the patient would be missing a child’s birthday and wedding anniversary, which would normally be a week of celebration for the family. Given the fact that the patient has not been allowed visitors being that COVID positive, Samantha felt she needed to do something special for the patient and spouse for their wedding anniversary. She personally bought a teddy bear that allowed for voice recording and took the time to sit with the patient to record a sweet saying for the spouse.

In addition, Samantha assisted the family, and many others over the past year, with FaceTiming so the family could see their loved ones. I could not imagine being in the hospital for over a month and not being able to see my spouse, children, and other family. An act of kindness such as this is a tremendous one at that. To go above and beyond normal nursing duties to ensure that the needs of the patient's family are met, are just as vital to the care of the actual hospitalized patient. This is just one example of the many acts of kindness throughout her years, and the love of her career and community in which she serves.