Louise Featherstone
August 2021
L31 Children's ward
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom




Louise provides care that is not only patient-centered but extremely empathetic.
Louise is truly an inspiration to work alongside. She consistently goes above and beyond for her patients. She truly is a ray of sunshine. Working in pediatric oncology, children are often tired and longing to be at home. She takes time to bring joy to their day; for example, once she provided each child with the ingredients to make rice crispy cakes, to which one dad replied it’s the first time his son had smiled in weeks. She’s made an escape game for a child post stem cell transplant who was bored, and she’s got involved entertaining children with TikTok dances. She constantly looks for ways to brighten every patients’ day even through the darkest of times.

Due to the nature of the jobs, she’s stayed with patients who have recently passed ensuring their last moments are full of love and compassion. Regardless of whether the death was expected or unexpected she listens to parents’ wishes and follows them to a T which is crucial when patients have passed away. She provides care that is not only patient-centered but extremely empathetic. She advocates for her patients to ensure they get the best care and have access to the information they need to be up-to-date with their care including early referrals to the safeguarding team where appropriate.

Recently, a patient suffered a large brain bleed and she noticed them deteriorating in the CT waiting room, she escalated this to the CT staff and ensured swift and appropriate action was taken which was vital for the patient and their mother. She’s got the ability to bounce back, support her team, and still be there for other patients on the ward. She’s a team player and always mucks in helping others and teaching new starters. She’s got a wonderful ability to teach skills and explain things in an interesting way. She’s a highly skilled practitioner and has the ability to respond quickly and efficiently in life-threatening situations.