Danielle Cornelius
July 2021
6 North- Acute Care
DCH Regional Medical Center
United States




Danielle stayed late and held my mom's hand and prayed with her. My mom said that was the only time anyone had ever prayed with her in the hospital and it just meant so much to her.
I found your card in some of my mother's things after she was discharged from the hospital. I wanted to write to you to let you know how wonderful one of your nurses was. I was unable to come to stay with my mom while she was in your care because I had just had surgery and was unable to drive or walk long distances. It was the first time my mother has ever been in the hospital without me there to help her. She was scared to be alone but she knew that she needed to be there. She came to your unit after an extended stay in the emergency room. She was in pain and just exhausted. The first nurse she saw was Danielle. She said that Danielle was just an angel. She came into the room with a big smile and just immediately started tending to her needs. She helped her get out of her soiled clothes and noticed immediately that her IV was not working. Because of her pain, Danielle stopped doing the computer work she needed to do and immediately restarted the IV so that she could get the medicine she needed. She said that Danielle talked her through each step so that she knew what was happening. She was very gentle and only had to stick her one time. Once that was finished, she completed all the things that she needed and made sure she was comfortable. She dimmed the lights and handed her the call button and told her how to use it. My mom said that she asked Danielle if she called for her, would she come. Danielle assured her that she would and she did each time she called. At the end of the shift, my mom was very anxious knowing that Danielle was leaving. Danielle stayed late and held my mom's hand and prayed with her. My mom said that was the only time anyone had ever prayed with her in the hospital and it just meant so much to her. Danielle assured my mom she would be back the next day. When Danielle walked into her room the next morning, she had the same big smile and same gentle touch as the day before. Danielle cared for my mom for 3 days in a row. My mom said Danielle always took the time to explain things to her and made sure she understood what her medicines were for or why she was having to have different tests done. She said sometimes the doctors would come in and talk to her and she wouldn't understand everything but Danielle always came back in to explain things so that she could understand. There was one day that her lunch tray did not come. She did not know why it didn't and she called the number and asked and was told her lunch would be right up. It still did not come. She said Danielle brought her a snack and drink and said she would take care of it. Shortly after, she finally got her meal. I know these are not all big things, but to scared patients in the hospital, the little things are the big things. I just wanted you to know how grateful I am that Danielle was my mom's nurse. She was truly heaven-sent and took great care of her. Mom even said that if she ever had to come back to the hospital, she wanted Danielle to take care of her again. Please extend my gratitude to Danielle. I am not sure what Danielle's last name is but I am sure you know just who I am talking about.