Geneva Damico
July 2021
Emergency Department
Kern Medical
United States




Geneva tirelessly devoted an entire shift of care to ensuring all of her patients and families received exceptional care, including glasses of water, blankets, and seating for their exhausted families.
We had a 20-year-old traumatic brain injury come in this morning. He and his family were extremely anxious concerning his diagnosis and prognosis. Our ER trauma bay nurse, Geneva, was outstanding. Not only did she field every question from the patient and family, but also was spot-on with his care, updating staff with changes, suggesting appropriate treatment, and implementing complete care.

Throughout the night, his condition deteriorated and even then, Geneva dedicated herself to updating the family, the team, and the patient. She consistently treated his pain, calmed the family, and kept me abreast of what was happening, even when she had other acutely ill trauma patients in the trauma bay, and I had obligations in the ICU and throughout the ER. She closely monitored his blood pressure goals with titratable meds, suggested and confirmed additional pain medications, and was on time with additional radiologic exams and reports. She tirelessly devoted an entire shift of care to ensuring all of her patients and families received exceptional care, including glasses of water, blankets, and seating for their exhausted families. She went above and beyond the standard of care and I feel it a privilege to work with her on a daily basis.