Teody Gay Monacillo
May 2020
Intensive Care Unit
King Faisal Medical Complex
Saudi Arabia




Sister Teody Gay bought him a toy gun and asked him to target a bullseye at her back. She stepped away and stepped further.
I am a colleague of Ms. Teody Gay and I witness how she makes work seem like play and easy for us. We have a 6 yr. old male patient post hernia repair. After his surgery, the doctor ordered for him to ambulate but the patient refused to walk or move. The next day Sister Teody Gay bought him a toy gun and asked him to target a bullseye at her back. She stepped away and stepped further. Before he knew it, he was already out of his bed and chasing her. Color rushing back to his pale face and smiling from ear to ear. Oddly enough, daily activities were never an issue again for this patient.