Stacy Faulkner
April 2021
Mercy Health Muskegon
United States




Patient safety has always been Stacy's top priority, and she continuously advocates for staffing, equipment, education, supplies, ect, in caring for patients.
Stacy has been the anchor and most consistent individual holding the Covid Unit together since almost the opening of the Unit. When the Covid Isolation Unit opened last Spring, Stacy was one of the first ICU nurses to volunteer to work there despite her high seniority and her own health concerns. Like many of the nurses on the Covid Unit, she isolated herself from her family for several weeks with thoughts of keeping them safer. Stacy switched from day shift to night shift to ensure that the night shift would have an experienced ICU charge nurse. Stacy assisted with creating and implementing the ever-changing policies and procedures on the Covid Unit.

Early on, Stacy went over and above to collaborate with Mercy's Pastoral Care to find mental and spiritual health pathways for our colleagues in this often tragic and stressful work environment. Stacy created a communication page on social media for those who work the Covid Unit to stay informed and keep up with the changes. She also helped develop staffing strategies during surges to safely care for the overwhelming number of Covid patients. Patient safety has always been Stacy's top priority, and she continuously advocates for staffing, equipment, education, supplies, ect, in caring for patients. Throughout the past 11 months, Stacy has consistently been a calming, confident presence to all colleagues, helping anyone she works with navigate through the Covid environment. She handles multitudes of challenges with grace.