Jordana Havard
August 2021
Ward 25
University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust
United Kingdom




We felt prioritized and in the hands of an experienced midwife whom we could trust. My labour pains were strong, and Jordy recommended drugs in an informative and compassionate manner.
At our 20 week scan we were given the devastating news our baby had spina bifida; what followed in a horrid haze was a follow-up appointment with a consultant Doctor who confirmed the diagnosis and advised our baby had further compliCions. Having spent the few days leading up to that consultant's appointment not sleeping or eating, our only sustenance, devouring medical references to understand our baby’s problems, we expected the diagnosis given and had already decided that due to our beautiful baby girl not being able to have any quality of life if she even survived the delivery, the most humane decision we could make would be to terminate the pregnancy. Meaning our little cherub would not know the pain her little body had in store for her.

We had to attend the hospital 2 days prior to our date booked in to be induced (the day after having our baby’s diagnosis confirmed) to take the first pill in the process of the medical termination. This was a horrendous appointment waiting outside the scan room where less than a week prior we were sat eagerly awaiting the 20 week scan in the hopes of learning the sex of our baby so we could share this wonderful news with our nearest and dearest. After having a week from hell from learning the heartbreaking news of our baby’s diagnosis to first stage of the medical termination, we were already broken people when we attended the hospital on the Friday we were to be induced. Nerves and fear were all that kept us going. The first midwife we encountered was a wonderful lady named C. She immediately understood our impending grief and did all she could to keep us calm and feel protected, after her shift she handed over to K.

K was a warm and compassionate midwife who made us at ease and talked to us about our lives and took an interest in us as a family. During our time spent with the first two midwifes I had been given several doses of the drug which is administered to bring on the labour. A very intimate, uncomfortable procedure which was starting to also become quite painful. By the time Jordana (Jordy as she’d asked to be called) came to look after us I was well in labour and was starting to get uncomfortable. One would assume this is the hardest time to take over someone’s care. When already going through the hardest time of a person's life, having endured several uncomfortable, painful procedures and yet building rapport with the caregivers prior it would be hard to come into a room, meet complete strangers in their darkest of times and be able to connect with them quickly and efficiently. Leading their care as a couple, as a family unit taking everyone’s needs into account and making them feel safe and understood.

This is exactly what Jordy achieved and more. She understood the physical pain I was in and empathized brilliantly the whole time she was with us. We felt prioritized and in the hands of an experienced midwife whom we could trust. My labour pains were strong, and Jordy recommended drugs in an informative and compassionate manner. When her recommendations were declined at first she understood my want to be compos mentis for the impending arrival of our beautiful baby. When the pains worsened she again advised of the options available to me and administered the drugs expediently and competently.

The labour took its toll and was a very painful experience. Jordy quietly and reassuringly encouraged me (and my partner) the whole way through. Every ounce of dignity I had walking into that room had been eroded during the process and when our little miracle was born alive at 30 weeks plus 6 days gestation, Jordy swiftly wrapped up our beautiful girl in a towel and placed her on my chest. She understood our need to be close to our gorgeous girl and fully accommodated every single need we had. My placenta did not come out at the point of delivery, she confidently reassured us, administered drugs, and kept us focused on loving and caring for our brave courageous little girl. She managed to care for me, my exceptionally premature baby, and my partner all at the same time. A feat that deserves the highest of recognition. An hour later when my placenta still hadn’t been delivered she called a doctor into the room without fanfare or alarm. Having explained the reason why this decision was taken and the need for assistance. Still, she managed to keep us calm and reassured.

The doctor assisted and the placenta was delivered. Jordy made us feel like her whole focus was on our whole family the whole time she was with us. She cared for me in what felt like a very competent, confident yet caring, and compassionate manner the entire time she was in the hospital that day. She showed so much love and support to my partner who had been witnessing her work feverishly to ensure my safety and her soft gentle touch with our beautiful baby girl who tragically passed away half an hour after being born. She managed to administer what we believe was clinical excellence in equal measure to excellent personal and emotional care throughout our time with her. She even took pictures of us with our baby girl which we will treasure forever. We wish her the biggest thanks and praise for making our darkest time more bearable.