Amber Donahue
July 2021
Cardiovascular ICU
United Health Services Hospitals
Johnson City
United States




Amber came racing to my rescue and applied CPR to me. My heart started again quickly and then she frantically worked the phone to get the Response Team for me.
I had a syncope fainting spell at home. After a visit to my doctor, I arrived by ambulance to Wilson’s ED. After 2 more syncope episodes, I was admitted to CVICU for a temporary pacemaker. While awaiting my procedure, I received tremendous care from the entire staff, but my personality especially connected to a young nurse helping to care for me named Amber Donahue. Suddenly at 11:00, my heart stopped for 10 seconds and Amber came racing to my rescue and applied CPR to me. My heart started again quickly and then she frantically worked the phone to get the Response Team for me. Later that evening, as her shift was ending, Amber came by special to check on me, wish me a Happy Father’s Day as Sunday was her day off, and to help me complete my HCP that she noticed was outdated and she wanted me to have one. Then, even though her shift had ended, she returned a final time with two other nurses who had cared for me so that I could take a souvenir photo to remember my wild 4-day stay at Wilson Hospital. Now that I am home and reflect back on my experience, I am lucky to be alive today. I am eternally grateful to my doctor who fortunately recognized the severity of my health problem and forced me to go to the hospital for treatment. I am grateful to the wonderful staff who cared for me, and especially one person, in particular, Nurse Amber, who befriended me and saved my life.