Julie Linder
October 2016
Clinical Nurse Specialist for Trauma and Surgical Services




The trauma units had an unfortunate trauma admission of two young teenagers involved in an MVC. One 16-year-old came out with a TBI and if survived, needed 24/7 medical care once he was discharged. The family did not have insurance and did not qualify for government assistance. Before the patient would be accepted into in-patient rehab, the mother had to demonstrate that she could take care of him once he was discharged. Julie went above and beyond to work with the mother, to educate her on how to take care of her son. She taught the mother how to feed her son, take care of the trach, clean his wounds; basically, how to take care of all the medical and nutritional needs. Julie met with the mother at least three times a week to provide the education, and did so with language and cultural barriers. Julie worked with the mother to the point that her 16-year-old son was accepted into in-patient rehab so he could have the therapies he desperately needed.
This is not the first I've seen Julie go above and beyond for patient and family care. Julie went to extraordinary measures to help a family that was denied any help from society, government and protocol. Julie gave the mother exactly what she needed to be confident in caring for her son. Julie made it possible for the patient to receive the care he needed in order to succeed.