Andrew Chorab
August 2021
Intensive Care Unit
St. Luke's Hospital
United States




Anyone who knows Andrew knows of his seemingly unlimited source of positivity and overwhelming sincerity in his interactions with all he encounters.
Andrew has not been a nurse at St. Luke’s hospital that long, hired as a critical care RN for 6500 in September of 2020. Despite his short time as a nurse for the MICU, Andrew has been such a positive influence and absolute awesome team member from the start. Timing of his employment at St. Luke’s Hospital occurred at a particularly difficult time for the ICU, as it was for most hospital units across the country. COVID-19 had an initial impact upon our unit and hospital; when Andrew started, a resurgence of this disease was having another awful impact on our team. While the initial surge of COVID-19 in the spring had been difficult, there was a sense of pride and duty with such a new and publicized health crisis and our team was buoyed with immense internal and external support. The second surge in the fall caught our unit and team in a state of fatigue and burnout. Hiring Andrew obviously aided in the function of additional manpower to assist with this surge of critically ill patients, however, his impact upon Division 6500 was so much more. Anyone who knows Andrew knows of his seemingly unlimited source of positivity and overwhelming sincerity in his interactions with all he encounters. Not only has he been a dependable member of the healthcare team within the MICU, but he conducts himself in a manner that lifts all those around him. His positivity is pervasive, and I feel has had a deep and meaningful impact on those he now calls team members. Now I’m not saying that 6500 would not have been able to weather the COVID-19 storm without Andrew, but his presence has definitely made the environment and the important job all of our team members do all the more positive and impactful. Thank you Andrew!