Kelly Dallmann
September 2021
Care Management
Shriners Hospitals for Children - Spokane
United States




Kelly has spent countless hours trying to coordinate his care and advocate for this patient.
Kelly has worked exceptionally hard on multiple complicated patients over the past few months. In particular, we had a patient with complex psycho-social needs in the hospital that she has gone above and beyond trying to find ways to get this patient the help that is needed. She has spent countless hours trying to coordinate his care and advocate for this patient. She has been patient and always appears to be calm, cool, and collected even in challenging interactions. Furthermore, in upcoming surgical cases, she has gone out of her way to make sure the family is informed, the patient is as medically safe/ready as possible, and she keeps all the medical team up-to-date on the patient's needs.

Kelly has even had to take on the role of initial investigator after clinical concerns with patients came up. She is clearly a nurse that is willing to go above and beyond for her patients. She has been a joy to work with even on the toughest of cases and most challenging situations. Kelly has worked tirelessly and poured her maternal energy into her patient. Kelly has devoted numerous hours to ensure that her patient is getting the very best we can offer and then working to get the patient more. She exemplifies what it means to be a Care Manager and a DAISY Nurse. Everyone knows that Kelly is very fun to work with. She demonstrates unfailing commitment and grace no matter what chaos or challenge each day brings. In my opinion, Kelly is a true leader in nursing. I find myself striving to practice at her level. Kelly to me is the epitome of a DAISY Nurse.