Addye Willmon
September 2021
Labor & Delivery
Midland Memorial Hospital
United States




Throughout my experience in the hospital, Addye helped me in ways I didn't know I needed or would need in time.
I went into labor with my son, who unexpectedly was stillborn. I am a current RN at Midland Memorial Hospital and cannot express enough the outgoing care and compassion I received from the entire L&D unit, especially, Addye. From starting my IV to not detecting my son's heartbeat, to holding my hand with the dreaded confirmation of his loss of life, to the OR for an emergency C-section. Most of all, hugging me and praying with me before getting into my car to take home an empty car seat. Throughout my experience in the hospital, Addye helped me in ways I didn't know I needed or would need in time. She comfortably consoled me, as well as my husband as we said hello and goodbye to our beautiful son. Being a nurse, I can only hope I can impact other's care, healing, comfort, and patient experience as much as she did ours that evening. Thank you, Addye! We will always be grateful to you.

Addye’s leadership team says that Addye is a team player, is always positive, has a kind heart, and goes above and beyond for her patients every time. She helps everyone and they are blessed to have her on their team. Because of Addye’s compassionate and caring efforts, her patients experience a level of care that exemplifies the impact nurses have in creating an environment where patients and families feel at home.