Sarah Gisclair
May 2021
Assessment Center
Woman's Hospital
Baton Rouge
United States




I truly believe that Sarah saved her life due to her swift reaction and outstanding care.
I have had the good fortune to work alongside of some extraordinary people in my career. There are those who stand out because of their dedication, humility, engagement, and willingness to go above and beyond to save the life of another. When I think of this type of hero, the name Sarah Gisclair comes to mind. She is a true leader who doesn't wear a cape. She is always about what is best for the patient and her team. If this means not eating her lunch because patients continue to check-in or jumping into uncertain circumstances, then that is exactly what she does.

She rose to that challenge. Shortly after midnight, she happened to hear some discussion over the security radio of someone who "wasn't breathing". She immediately got up and went to two different entrances to find out where this person was. She couldn't locate her and then found out the person was very far away, out by the support services building. She immediately told her team she was going to run there and asked for assistance. She ran all the way to that location, which is very far away from her unit! Upon arrival, she saw someone who needed emergency assistance. She surveyed the situation and started immediately planning to get this person into the hospital. She acted quickly with what she had, she asked for staff to bring a rolling office chair over and they lifted the person into it.

Once she realized that she didn't have a bed, Sarah had the idea to bring the patient over to the unit via security vehicle. This isn't usual but at that time the patient's emergent need for help was overruled. Then, they brought the patient to the AC and got her inside to take care of her. I truly believe that Sarah saved her life due to her swift reaction and outstanding care. Sarah thinks on her feet and makes good decisions. These decisions directly impact someone's life. Because she is driven by the passion of caring for others, all decisions made at those times are the right ones. She is never one who would want the attention for doing what she thinks is "just the right thing". But I think she deserves recognition for being an absolute hero and for saving a life here at Woman's Hospital.


Just that week before, I received two emails from her team members commending her for her leadership during a stressful night at work. They had this to say:

"I just wanted to get on here and shoot you a quick email. We had an extremely busy night last night, and I just wanted to give a huge shout-out to Sarah Gisclair for the phenomenal person and nurse she is. No matter what problem arises, she always takes a step back from the situation and looks at it from all angles, and visualizes who needs what and who may be affected. She includes all units and thinks about them equally. She always gives 110% in whatever she does and to whoever needs helping at that particular time. You can approach her with anything and never feel judged or apprehensive about your approach. She is the true definition of a team player and role model. As always, she handled an extremely busy shift phenomenally!”

Sarah embodies the true definition of the art of nursing: she is selfless, empathetic, engaged, and endlessly committed to the lives of our patients. I am honored to have such an extraordinary nurse on my team. Woman's is fortunate to have her on its team and this community is better just because she cares for it. Thank you!