Maritza Cepeda
May 2021
Marianjoy Resource Pool
Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital
United States




Maritza promised she would stay with me until I was comfortable. And she did just that.
This award is especially appropriate as I suffer from RA, a disease that attacks the immune system. Nurses who care for patients like me deserve more than an award! Maritza was unfailingly upbeat. Her very demeanor exudes kindness in everything she does. Her touch is sure and professional. While starting IV infusions, changing bandages, or assisting me to find a position of comfort, she manages to add gentle humor (often directed at herself), kind words, and a caring touch. While under her care, I felt secure and trusted I would be well taken care of. I rested easily. Listening to her direct her techs revealed some amazing leadership skills; she was as kind to them as she was to me. One night when I was in terrible pain, she administered my pain med as ordered and then said she would help me find a comfortable position. She promised she would stay with me until I was comfortable. And she did just that. Pain meds, careful positioning, a gentle back rub in an area not covered by bandages, kind words with a gentle laugh = pain subdued. And she stayed with me, just as she said she would. Amazing.