Tatiana De La Rosa
September 2021
De La Rosa
West Kendall Baptist Hospital
FL Florida
United States




Thank you, Tatiana, for saving my daddy’s life.
Although all nurses from the moment my husband was placed in the unit, have been amazing, Tatiana was like no other. We can name a million but the most important one is that she saved my husband’s life. With no hesitation, she resuscitated him and made sure she would not stop until my husband had a pulse after his cardiac arrest. We thank her today and will continue to do so every single day.

From my daughter, “Thank you, Tatiana, for saving my daddy’s life.”

Skill and knowledge: Tatiana answered every question for us thoroughly and calmly when we were not sure what medication was being given to my husband and why.

Competent and Professional: Tatiana exceeded this skill simply by telling us that she had taken an extra day of their shift to be present during my husband’s extubation. In her words, “I had to be there.”

Kind and gentle: Tatiana knew exactly what my husband liked and wanted. For example, there was a shift change and the first thing she told the incoming nurse was, “Make sure that he is turned to the side because that side is the side he likes and that his pillows are under his legs because that’s how he is the most comfortable.”

Caring and compassionate: Tatiana understood my husband even while he was drowsy from what he wanted and needed.

Family-focused: Tatiana reassured my family that everything was going to be okay, and she was constantly positive about this situation. Although we were worried, scared, hopeful, she was always radiating such good thoughts that we would be calm.

Committed/Dedicated: Tatiana’s dedication and commitment were exemplary during my husband’s stay at this department and during his cardiac arrest. Again Tatiana, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you!