Kate Poteete
June 2021
Pediatric Oncology
Golisano Children's Hospital of Southwest Florida
Fort Myers
United States




I want to say thank you for going above and beyond to get me out of that misery quickly.
Thank you Kate for being there for me all the times you are assigned to my room. But especially when I had the worse day of my stay. I remember that I had this rash all over my body and I got platelets that morning because of being low. That transfusion was awful because as soon as it was done I got this really bad reaction. I remember I started to cry – my whole body itched so badly and I felt like I was burning up. You saw me and hurried to get whatever it was to make me feel better, you brought towels, a fan, and got Benadryl in my IV to make me feel better. I want to say thank you for going above and beyond to get me out of that misery quickly. Thank you for being a little ray of sunshine with your cheery smile every morning. Thank you!