Evangelene Dagting
March 2021
UHealth Tower
United States




Evangelene is my hero who helped me deal with having cancer and the importance of communicating with doctors.
As my nurse in the CTU courtyard, Nurse Evangelene, gives me the best care. She is very compassionate when she cares for me in the unit. Before having her as a nurse I was not positive about my condition but she cares and talks to me very professionally and explains things to me to help with my condition. Not only does she care for me but also her fellow co-workers whom I've seen her train and get along with. Thanks to her and the team I've never had a problem with my pic line. Once Nurse Evangelene saw that I had it on too long and suggested that I inform the doctor. I did and they did change my tubing thanks to her. She talks to me about good things I should be doing like avoiding sugars and drinking plenty of fluids. I don't mind coming for appointments with her here. She is my hero who helped me deal with having cancer and the importance of communicating with doctors. We have a special connection. I never miss my appointment and I know the importance of taking care of my pic line.  Once I had a reaction to my chemo medicine. She walked by and informed my nurse that I didn't look right they had to call the team for me because I was having a reaction to the drug. Thank god she walked by and saw me. She is always alert and on her toes. She is the greatest and a good asset to the UM staff. She always asks about my mom which makes me feel good to know she cares.