Carletta Perry
August 2021
Hampton VA Medical Center
United States




RN Perry’s advocacy and dedication to the well-being of her patient resulted in an efficient turnaround for me to obtain the required consults for a continuation of care to resolve my medical needs.
RN Carletta Perry’s caring attitude, professionalism, respectfulness, thoughtfulness, and attention to detail are just a few of the many attributes that make her a DAISY Nurse. RN Perry is very reliable and ensures that she follows up as promised. An example of this was at a recent visit at which my wife was a little perturbed about my recent release from the hospital. My wife felt like my release was too soon, and not enough was being done to provide the care that I needed. RN Perry allowed my wife to voice her concerns without interruptions, remained professional, and maintained clear communication. She was extremely helpful and ensured that we understood what was being done. RN Perry took my wife’s concern seriously and followed through by calling me later that same day, to inform me that my chart was updated to notify the attending Physician and my Primary Care Team. RN Perry’s advocacy and dedication to the well-being of her patient resulted in an efficient turnaround for me to obtain the required consults for a continuation of care to resolve my medical needs. An overall thank you to the Hampton VA, but more importantly a big thank you to RN Perry for the outstanding care she provided.