Jake Lawlor
May 2021
Neuro 9CD
Brigham and Women's Hospital
United States




Jake never missed one thing, and all the time he was caring for my husband he was supporting me as I was falling apart mentally and emotionally.
My husband suffered a brain bleed while golfing. He was airlifted to BWH. He was very sick- required artificial ventilation and was in a chemical coma for almost 48 hours. Those 48 hours were the longest, hardest, and most challenging hours of my life, as I was trying to come to terms with what was happening and if my husband would even survive. I was trying so hard to stay calm and positive for my 2 daughters.

The nurse who had my husband, I have known from just saying hello and making small talk. I am an IV nurse at BWH and now I was on the other side. I was now the family member of a critically ill patient. Jake Lawlor is one of the best nurses I have ever met, not because he took care of my husband but because he CARES, he really cares. Not only did he work like a superhuman nurse, but he also took care of everything. The way he took care of my husband I can only make the correlation like this: he was the conductor of care. He never missed one thing, and all the time he was caring for my husband he was supporting me as I was falling apart mentally and emotionally.

My husband was inpatient for 24 days. He did extremely well and is coming home in 1 day. I have been a nurse for 30+ years and I can honestly say I have never in my entire career as a nurse have ever come across a more compassionate, caring, and very intelligent nurse as I did when watching Jake Lawlor. BWH should be proud to have him as an employee, he is an amazing nurse and even better person.