Jennifer Bedford
September 2021
7 Irving, Antepartum/ Postpartum
Crouse Hospital
United States




From breastfeeding support to impromptu trips to the nursery to allow me to get some rest, Jen was always 10 steps ahead.
My husband and I welcomed our little R via c-section. It’s been two weeks since we brought R home, and we still cannot adequately put into words just how immensely grateful we are to have had Jen Bedford as our postpartum nurse. The attention, patience, care, and love that Jen provided for me, my daughter, and my husband were immeasurable. It seemed like every time we turned around, Jen was there, to the point where we remarked, “Are we her only patient?” She was always there with a helpful hand, a tip or trick, and sometimes just simple reassurance.

From breastfeeding support to impromptu trips to the nursery to allow me to get some rest, Jen was always 10 steps ahead. I was really struggling with the notion of feeling generally incapacitated due to the surgery, and I credit the peace of mind Jen afforded us with what got us through those initial hours of first-time parenthood. We thought of various ways to thank her, but nothing seems commensurate with the love we felt when in her care. This DAISY Award nomination is the least we could do. In a profession of such high demand, I want you to know how lucky and fortunate you are to have Jen on your staff. Take care of her as she was made for this line of work!