Mary Grogan
November 2021
Ward 24
University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust
United Kingdom




Mary ran me a bath and helped assist me into the bathroom, dress me, and even washed my legs and feet for me as I was sore from giving birth.
I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy. He was born at 8:32 am and I can honestly say that my labor experience wouldn't have been the same without Mary. She supported and encouraged me and my partner and considering the amount of pain I was in and how frightening labor was as a first-time mum she made me feel very proud of myself and capable to give birth. Through every contraction she was encouraging me to put all my strength into every push, holding my hand, stroking my hair, and reassuring me every step of the way.

Mary was very loving and she felt like a family member towards me, I was unable to have my mum there due to the Covid restrictions only allowing one birth partner there. I was overwhelmed with how amazing she was and she really does deserve huge recognition for the beautiful person she is inside and out. You can clearly see why she is in the profession she is in. She is a complete natural in what she does and she is very passionate and most of all has a very caring nature which is a key element to her job.

In addition to this Mary not only made me feel comfortable, but she also put my partner at ease as soon as she walked into the room as he was very nervous and anxious seeing me in pain. After the labor and the baby being born, she congratulated me and him giving us both so much praise and she asked if he would like to cut the cord which he has said was a very precious moment he will remember for the rest of his life.

Mary ran me a bath and helped assist me into the bathroom, dress me, and even washed my legs and feet for me as I was sore from giving birth. After this Mary handed the baby to my partner swaddled in a blanket so that they could have skin to skin and could have bonding time together whilst I was still in the bath. We were given tea and toast.

Once ready to go down to the postnatal ward, we were helped with all our bags up into the room I was staying in overnight and Mary made sure we were settled. I said to Mary that we were honestly so thankful to her and I could not have done it without her as she was absolutely amazing. I couldn't have wished for anyone better. She had a few holds and cuddles with the baby and asked if it would be okay for her to have a photo taken with him for herself to keep as she had told us this was the first baby she had delivered in a year and how she was not able to hold her grandson as a newborn because of the restrictions. I had a photo taken with her also.