Jane DiMaso
January 2021
Englewood Hospital and Medical Center
United States




Jane stepped up to the plate, advocating for this family and providing support and interpretation throughout their care.
I am a nurse in the NICU and would like to recognize one of our own. During COVID, it has been very difficult for our patients and families. One nurse stands out. I would like to nominate Jane DiMaso. Jane goes above and beyond as a mentor, advocate, and team leader. She is in every way a true example of an extraordinary nurse.

Jane’s professionalism is seen in her daily care. However, most recently Jane has gone above and beyond in the care of both infants and families. We had a family whose child was very premature and their first language was Spanish. Jane stepped up to the plate, advocating for this family and providing support and interpretation throughout their care. She made sure the family could be provided rides to visit and meals when necessary. She cared for every aspect of their family. She stayed beyond her shift to offer the family her hand as news was delivered on their infant.

Jane makes it look easy but her kindness, compassion, and gentle way are one to be acknowledged. She is a true example of nursing compassionate care. Her empathy sets the tone for the care she provides and I am proud to be on her team.