Emily Wilant
October 2021
Medical Surgical
Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center
United States




Emily removed my soiled clothes, cleaned me up all the while comforting me with divine empathy.
I am writing this because I was shown extraordinary empathy, love, kindness, and a listening ear during my hospitalization at the Zablocki VA Medical Center. I’m a stage 4 prostate and bone cancer patient. I just returned from surgery to repair my right femur. I was having trouble urinating and asked my nurse Emily to give me some privacy, so I could relax and urinate in private. She told me not to stand and that she’ll be right outside the door. I disregarded what she said about not standing and was actually able to urinate. I put too much weight on my numb leg and went down.

She came in immediately, found me on the floor, covered in my own urine. I thought I had broken the bone in my leg again. I gave up mentally to this horrible disease. The emergency staff quickly reacted and lifted me back into bed. Emily removed my soiled clothes, cleaned me up all the while comforting me with divine empathy. She asked me about my family, my deceased wife, my children, and my grandchildren. I started to feel an indescribable peace come over me. The good book says many are called but few are chosen. I thank God for choosing this precious woman to minister to me that evening. I’m truly indebted to nurses like Emily Wilant who go above and beyond her job description. I’m truly thankful for her dedication to bless dying soldiers like me. I slept very well that night. Thank you for your loving kindness and your tender mercies.