Rosa Reyes
September 2021
Labor and Delivery
Carl R Darnall Army Medical Center
Fort Hood
United States




Rosa would take control of the room, which helped build our confidence that our baby would arrive safe and sound.
Our pregnancy story began with IVF. We had already suffered from multiple early pregnancy losses so our pregnancy was always something that kept us at a high level of anxiety. So, getting to full term and being beyond our date date was a huge accomplishment. But, then we started a whole new adventure in Labor & Delivery! My water broke, which is something I had never experienced before, and since I was GBS positive we got to L&D as soon as we could to prevent baby from getting an infection.

A few hours later my contractions began but steadily began to taper off. Right before the 7am shift change, they decided to put me on Pitocin. Then Rosa became the RN for the shift. From the beginning, Rosa demonstrated a take-charge demeanor. She was confident and she kept both my husband and me feeling assured of all the events that followed. The Pitocin jump-started my contractions and at some point, I remember getting an epidural. When they were at their peak we tried several times to push the baby out, but every time it seemed as though we were making progress the baby's heart rate would drop and we couldn't quite make it. At this point, we saw that Rosa would take control of the room, which helped build our confidence that our baby would arrive safe and sound.

Because his heart rate kept dropping they stopped my Pitocin. It was decided that we would try getting the baby to shift his position. He was "sunny side" up. For about 2 hours they tried to shift the baby's position. But, he still would not come out. Then it was decided that a vacuum delivery might help. Throughout all this, we were getting more and more concerned about our little IVF miracle but Rosa kept us ready for the next challenge.

I actively tried to push him out again. This time with vacuum assistance. It felt like a cheering squad was in the room with us! We got baby out, he was put on my chest and rubbed down. Hearing our baby cry was such a sweet blessing. We appreciate every single individual that was in our room that afternoon. Thank you so so much! We will never forget the efforts the staff put into delivering our IVF/Miracle boy into the world.