Paola Fuentes
November 2021
Clínica San Carlos de Apoquindo




Paola was like a mother to B in neonatology, in addition to being there emotionally for my sister who was weak and sad because of everything that happened.
Paola estuvo ahí en un momento muy complejo de nuestras vidas con todo el amor, entrega, disposición y asertividad por mi sobrino que nació en plena pandemia con 26 semanas de gestación. Ella fue como una mamá para B en la neonatología, además de contener emocionalmente a mi hermana quien se encontraba débil y triste por todo lo acontecido. Destaco no sólo su entrega sino también su excelencia técnica. Realmente se nota que ama su profesión. Le estoy eternamente agradecida por estar ahí en esos momentos tan difíciles. Por acompañar a mi hermana durante esos 3 meses muy duros en que mi pequeño guerrero logró salir adelante.

Translated using Google:

Paola was there at a very complex moment in our lives with all the love, dedication, disposition, and assertiveness for my nephew who was born in the middle of the pandemic at 26 weeks gestation. She was like a mother to B in neonatology, in addition to being there emotionally for my sister who was weak and sad because of everything that happened. I highlight not only her delivery but also her technical excellence. She really shows that she loves her profession. I am eternally grateful to her for being there in such a difficult time and for accompanying my sister during those 3 very hard months in which my little warrior managed to get ahead.