Bailey Freemire
August 2021
Cardiovascular ICU
UK HealthCare
United States




She handed me six blood vials with D's heart arrhythmia in them from the morning with a label that said, "May her heartbeat be a gentle reminder of the love she had for you".
D wanted to get cleaned up, get her hair washed, and put on a pretty shirt. That's when God sent us Bailey, her nurse. Bailey gathered all the items she needed and decided it was a wonderful time for a spa day. The shades were drawn, calming meditation music was turned on, and Bailey provided the best care possible. You would have thought Bailey was washing a china doll as gentle and caring as she was. She was paged, buzzed, and beeped several times, but never once did she waiver with her sincere care. D got her hair washed, arms, legs, and hands massaged with lotion infused with essential oils. D was so calm and relaxed; she was finally able to fall asleep. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, I know that God had placed Bailey there for D. It was as though you could feel the presence of the Lord in D's room at that moment; the calming peace was undeniable. Bailey shared with D her passions were nursing and animals. D perked right up; she questioned Bailey and came to find out Bailey had been traveling through the night from Arkansas to rescue a horse. Oddly enough, D's first horse we rescued was a wild mustang named Appleseed. In addition to all she did that day for D, she and I stood in D's room and cried together when I was getting her belongings together. She was so supportive and kind at a time I when was so broken. She handed me six blood vials with D's heart arrhythmia in them from the morning with a label that said, "May her heartbeat be a gentle reminder of the love she had for you". I cried all the way out, but what a beautiful reminder to have from her last few hours on earth. I highly recommend Bailey for this award. Her compassion during such a difficult time for our families was amazing.