Amy Dunn
November 2021
Amy A
Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center
United States




Amy’s willingness to facilitate a visit brought such joy to my neighbor’s sister and her family.
My neighbor’s sister is being treated at the hospital. Since her admission, it has been touch and go every step of the way. With each improvement, there has been an additional procedure or surgery added to keep her alive. As a colleague, I have tried my best to walk the fine line between facilitating open communication with her family about her condition, all the while complying with HIPPA. She was intubated most of the time and there wasn’t much that could be done to obtain consent for me to obtain info or visit. One morning I went to deliver a card from her sister and her assigned nurse Amy said, “she is awake and feeling quite low, you should deliver it yourself.” She said that with Covid precautions it made her so happy that I could visit with her patient and bring some light to her considering she is so gravely ill. I gladly went to her room. She lit up and you could see color return to her cheeks. She was so grateful to be speaking with a connection to her family. Amy kept a close eye on her, taking vitals and ensuring her comfort. After a brief visit, I asked if there was anything at all I could bring her that would make her feel more comfortable. She replied, “I know it is silly, but I have a stuffed pig named Piggsly, I sleep with every night.” I was able to make arrangements for that to happen. When she saw me with Pigglsy, she was delighted, but when I showed her the phone with two smiling faces staring back at her, her eyes welled with tears of joy. Her prognosis is grim, and knowing she is all alone in the hospital is simply soul-crushing to her family. Amy’s willingness to facilitate a visit brought such joy to my neighbor’s sister and her family. I am so grateful for her big heart and encouragement to bring light into her patient’s day. Thank you Amy for the work you do for our Saint Al’s patients!