Patricia Wilson
December 2021
Emergency Department
SSM Monroe Clinic
United States




Tricia recognized the signs of a heart attack and referred her to the Emergency Department.
Patricia Wilson is a wonderful RN whom I had the pleasure to work with these last few months. She is a member of the COVID Line Nurses here at Monroe Clinic in Monroe. She is very bright and helps us triage the calls and refer the patients to the proper departments for their care. Her experience of working in our Emergency Department last year frequently comes in handy for identifying those at risk for a medical emergency.

Recently, Patricia helped save a life. A call came in from an elderly patient. Tricia recognized the symptoms and referred the patient to the ED. The patient was trying to make an appointment with a new provider. She was complaining of "a stomach problem". During the triage process, Tricia learned that the patient also had chest pain radiating to her left shoulder and arm. Tricia recognized the signs of a heart attack and referred her to the Emergency Department. She was diagnosed with a NSTEMI. The following day the patient had an angioplasty and was stented. Two days later she was discharged. The Monroe Clinic provided her with the needed care and she had a great outcome. I am proud to work with this RN. She is caring, and always wants the best outcome for our patients.