Lisa Wingerter
December 2021
Rural Health Clinic
Memorial Hospital Chester
United States




Lisa brainstormed with providers, co-workers in the clinic, and multiple departments within the hospital to make sure this patient was able to have the procedure before the weekend.
Every time I go to the clinic, Lisa is there to greet me with a smile. She is always in a good mood and quite wonderful at her job. I always like seeing her when I am there. She helps keep track of what I need and makes these visits enjoyable.


Lisa is an amazing nurse and truly cares for her patients. She always goes above and beyond to make sure they are taken care of and understand the plan of care. A large majority of her patient population is elderly and needs more time and more detailed explanations and Lisa always takes that extra time with them.

Recently Lisa had a patient who had done multiple tests throughout the week to figure out what was causing them horrible pain. The final test result came back on a Friday afternoon that lead to the patient needing an urgent referral and procedure. Due to insurance, this process became long and complicated. Lisa brainstormed with providers, co-workers in the clinic, and multiple departments within the hospital to make sure this patient was able to have the procedure before the weekend. While juggling multiple phone calls and questions, Lisa continued to work on the floor with her provider to keep their scheduled patients flowing. Lisa is a great resource for her co-workers and always jumps in to help when needed.


Wingerter was surprised and honored to receive the DAISY Award, she remarks, “I love being a nurse! This is such an honor and I feel blessed that his family has chosen to celebrate nurses in this manner. There are so many strong and wonderful nurses in the world that deserve to be acknowledged for what they do and how they care for patients. Nurses are a tight group and I love and appreciate all of the nurses that I have had the privilege to work with during my 20 years of nursing.” She feels lucky to work in an office setting where she is able to get to know her patients on a personal level. “I love when they come in for an appointment and are so excited to show me updated pictures of their grandchildren, vacation, or pets.” She is grateful that someone sees her as hope in their life when things are not going well. She loves the people she works with and says, “they are more like family and they make it fun to come into work even on the tough days.”