Pamela Hammond-Miles
December 2021
IV Team
Sentara Norfolk General Hospital
United States




Pam took my hands, came to my level, and told me she was going to do everything she possibly could to take care of me right now. Her compassion was radiating from her.
I was transferred to SNGH from SPAH, suffering from a rare, very severe allergic reaction, called DRESS syndrome. When I arrived at SNGH, I had already been seen in the other ER multiple times, but the doctors didn’t really know what was happening yet. During these multiple visits, IV access proved to be impossible. I require ultrasound-guided IV access, and there had been failed attempts that reached over 20 times. I needed medication and I needed fluids, ASAP. I was so completely distraught and so very sick, and my doctors, nurses, and paramedics could not successfully start an IV for me. I was in tears, delirious with pain, and absolutely terrified that I was going to die. When I arrived at the ER in Norfolk, even more attempts were made unsuccessfully. I had given up, and in my heart, I truly felt I was going to die.

Then Pam came into my room. I told her to please help me, I couldn’t take any more. Pam took my hands, came to my level, and told me she was going to do everything she possibly could to take care of me right now. Her compassion was radiating from her. She understood my history as a former IV drug user, and she had absolutely no judgment. She looked me in the eye and told me we would get through this together. As my body was trying to shut down, I felt hope and I believed her. She was able to very quickly place a successful IV and I was able to receive the medication I desperately needed. After she was done, she didn’t leave immediately. She stayed with me, held my hand, and promised she would be back to check on me as often as I needed her to. And she kept that promise. During the 11 days of my hospitalization, Pam came to see me every time she was there. She started new IVs and drew labs for my floor nurses. She brought light and energy and a feeling of serenity to me every time she walked in.

I am also a Registered Nurse, and I know a truly compassionate and empathetic nurse when I meet one. I met Pam in one of the darkest scariest moments of my life, and she helped get me through it. Not only with her amazing skills, but with her heart. The follow-through and the dedication. Not only did she help save my life, but she also saved my dignity and refused to let me feel like I wasn’t worth the effort. My past has always made me feel less than deserving, especially when it comes to things like IV access. It may not sound like much, but I promise you it is a HUGE deal. Pam is one of the most amazing nurses I have ever met, and I will always be grateful to her and the IV Team for taking such phenomenal care of me.