Diana Olvera
November 2021
Behavioral Health Unit
WellSpan Chambersburg Hospital
United States




We have many amazing nurses but Diana does it extraordinarily.
Diana is not just a nurse; she has a calling. She embraces and personifies her role. She is my hero in a nurse’s uniform. Diana exhibits pure professionalism, calmly, patiently, and quietly. Diana never rants, vents, or displays frustration. There is no drama with her. As a resource Diana takes on a full patient load without complaining. She makes competent decisions, supports her staff, and more often than not she will complete an admission even when extremely busy with resource tasks.

Diana keeps the unit safe and calm, often intervening during stressful events, assisting with de-escalation skillfully. Diana cares for the patients adeptly with the perfect blend of love and limit setting. Diana is a team player. She is often seen comforting both patients and staff during debriefing. Diana gives her heart and soul. When I see her name next to mine on any given shift, I take a deep breath, say a prayer of thanks, and know we are all in good hands. We have many amazing nurses but Diana does it extraordinarily.