Jessica Gaussoin
December 2021
Maternal Child Health
Ridgecrest Regional Hospital
United States




Jessica helped calm my nerves, she made me feel validated with all of my personal wishes with the birth.
I couldn't go without giving proper praise to the people who deserved it most. Quite honestly, prior to my delivery, I did have my reservations about going into labor/delivering at RRH. Having worked there and seen things behind the scenes, as well as having many friends close in age having delivered at RRH recently and sharing their experiences with me, I wasn't quite confident in what kind of care I'd be receiving. That being said, your birthing class was the very first confidence booster for me.

I was scheduled for cesarean delivery at 09:00 AM. I was a nervous wreck, quite frankly, and so was my partner. We got checked in just fine, and we were taken to a room at first to prep and get set up for surgery. My nurse was Jessica, and she was probably the greatest thing about my entire stay. She helped calm my nerves, she made me feel validated with all of my personal wishes with the birth, as well as my decision with breastfeeding, which initially was to opt-out, but the information you and her both provided to me, and the absolute respect Jessica gave me with my decision was so amazing, and I ended up choosing to try colostrum feeding once my daughter was born, and I have kept up on breastfeeding ever since, and I'm very grateful that I did.

During my recovery, Jessica was very vigilant over me, tending to me so well, helping set up my shower, bringing me and my partner tons of goodies to eat between meal times, and she was my nurse on Saturday as well. She helped soothe my baby during paperwork processes and was incredibly helpful during the car seat inspection. Overall, she was very wonderful and I genuinely could not have been happier with her as my nurse both at the very start of the delivery process, as well as the discharging process. She was by far the best part of my hospital stay.