Leonie Poulain and the outpatients team.
November 2021
Torbay and South Devon NHS Trust
United Kingdom




The patient left outpatients feeling heard by Leonie.
A patient attended Outpatients with no appointment. He approached reception and was very clearly distressed telling the receptionist that he was at his end with the pain could take no more and wanted to jump in front of a train. The patient was known to rheumatology. The receptionist approached Leonie for some assistance. Leonie built a rapport with the patient and took him into a clinic room so he was away from the public area. She genuinely believed that with no help or assistance there was a realistic possibility that the patient may come to harm. Rheumatology was contacted and they phoned the patient back in the clinic room where Leonie had placed him. As a result of the telephone call, it was a medication switch over that was causing the pain and some analgesia steroids were prescribed. The patient left outpatients feeling heard. Leonie was back at work on Thursday (the incident having happened on Tuesday) where she decided to ring the patient back herself to make sure that the pain had improved and he was OK. This phone call and time to check the patient was OK was well outside our normal expectations of patient care within outpatients. The patient has subsequently written to express his enormous thanks for Leonie's time and care over that day and the phone call afterward.