Gintare Cepukaite
December 2021
Float Pool
Denver Health
United States




Gin was there for me in such a sudden and freighting situation, knew what to do immediately, and performed her interventions with such breakneck speed.
When we arrived at the hospital for care, we were apprehensive and uneasy. It was an environment we were not familiar with. After my swift care in the ER, it wasn't until I was taken to my room that I met Gin. Gin would provide me care that I rarely experienced in my life. Her kindness and compassion were evident in her actions as well as the expeditious manner in which she would arrive any time I felt it necessary to utilize the call button. Gin would explain tasks she was about to perform, tell me about every medication she gave me so that I was educated in my care. When I suddenly broke out in hives after a ct scan with dye infusion, Gin was there to acquire medication to counteract the reactions. Not being from the area, I was not sure which facility to come to when it was evident I needed care, it was the concierge at my hotel that recommended Denver Health. I cannot imagine having been cared for better anywhere else simply because of Gin. Gin was there for me in such a sudden and freighting situation, knew what to do immediately, and performed her interventions with such breakneck speed that the situation began to subside almost immediately. This is the person you want at your bedside when something goes amiss. An RN that can act swiftly and keep her head about her when someone like myself begins to panic. If I were management it would be Gin who is paired with all new RNs, so that if those new nurses emulate even half of what Gin would teach them, you would have some of the best new RNs in Colorado.