Reyna Buchroeder
November 2021
Ascension All Saints
United States




The compassion and care were pouring out during this event and her patient was so thankful.
Reyna had a patient who flipped into AFib during her shift. Reyna caught this on the tele monitor right away, before tele even called about it. She took action immediately by grabbing vitals and checking on the patient. Even though the patient stated she felt fine and vitals were stable, she contacted the MD who came up to see the patient. Reyna spent 2 hours never leaving the patient's side, looking up information for the MD, and administering meds to help her heart rate. She spent her time reassuring the patient and keeping her updated on her plan of care. The compassion and care were pouring out during this event and her patient was so thankful. Although Reyna is newer to this field she showed much strength and competency, all while keeping her cool for this patient. Reyna continued to take her time to gather this patient's belongings and transfer her to the cardiac unit. Even after her time with this patient was passed along, Reyna was found sitting outside the room in tears, worried about her patient. For these reasons, I would like to recognize her as the Extraordinary Nurse that she is. Any patient would be lucky to have such a caring, compassionate and hard-working nurse as Reyna. You Go Girl!