Megan Danner
January 2022
Family Birth Center
Southeast Health
United States




Megan always kept her word; popping back in to make sure we had everything we needed. It truly felt like we had our very own concierge in a 5-star hotel.
My wife gave birth to a healthy baby girl. At birth, our baby was not breathing very well and was very purple, turning blue. I was amazed at how calmly Ms. Danner stepped in and went to work on our baby 'E'. She assured us that things were just fine as she continued to try to get E breathing on her own. After a few minutes, Ms. Danner, realizing she needed an extra pair of hands, called on her phone for assistance and another employee came into the room to help.

Asking for help, as Ms. Danner did, is the sign of someone who is confident in his or her ability, but also someone who understands and appreciates the sanctity of life and doesn't let one's ego get in the way. After a few moments, the two were able to clear E's airways and she began crying loudly; it was music to our ears. I assumed we would not see Ms. Danner again during our stay, but much to our surprise, she repeatedly checked in on both baby and mama throughout our stay, always making sure she answered any questions we had (regardless of how trivial they seemed) and even reminded some of the other nurses of things we needed (ibuprofen, juice, etc.), ensuring that she would follow up to make sure they arrived. She always kept her word; popping back in to make sure we had everything we needed. It truly felt like we had our very own concierge in a 5-star hotel.

Ms. Danner not only tried to assist my wife and me but also always asked the other staff in the room if they needed anything before she left. She made my wife and I feel confident in the team that was looking over us and easily affirmed our decision to give birth at Southeast Health. We appreciate the entire team who cared for us during our short stay, but Ms. Danner truly went above and beyond with a smile and great attitude at every step along the way.