Michelle Wegner
January 2022
Mental Health
St. Cloud VA Health Care System
St. Cloud
United States




Michelle asked me about my family, she encouraged me, and she showed me that she genuinely cared.
Michelle Wegner goes above and beyond to make us Veterans feel more comfortable. She clearly has her finger on the pulse of all of her patients on her floor. During the first week I was here, I had a very hard day! I missed my dogs, I didn’t really know anyone yet, and I simply could not stop crying! As I sat, getting my blood pressure checked, trying to hold tears, she asked me what was wrong. The tears flowed and she listened to me. She asked me about my family, she encouraged me, and she showed me that she genuinely cared. After allowing me time to get myself together, she let me know that she would contact my Primary and let her know that I was having trouble. She continued to check on me to make sure I was all right that night. The next day, when I saw her in another unit, she asked me how I was doing and if I had seen my Primary. Michelle gives each one of us this kind of attention! She never acts like she is too busy for us. Michelle continued to greet me and ask me how I was doing. She makes us all feel like we matter. She deserves special recognition because she sure made my life and experience here incredible! Thank you, Michelle, for all you do for us!