Robert Gearhardt
January 2022
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center
United States




Robert was so present to this patient and her mother, and I was so inspired by his unwavering empathy and drive.
Robert is one of our favorite coworkers in the Saint Al's ICU. He is meticulous in the care he provides, and empathetic with every patient situation, no matter how demanding. He is kind to everyone he meets, and gives his patients undivided attention, taking pride in his nursing care and career.

Recently we have had copious COVID- 19 patients in our ICU. While their medical care is complex and time-consuming alone, the emotional taxation on healthcare providers is exhausting. Regardless of how emotionally drained, and physically tired Robert is... he never compromises his care or his integrity as a healthcare provider.

One of the COVID patients whom Robert was assigned to this weekend was 20 years old, and on full life support. In this very unfortunate patient situation, she was succumbing to her viral illness and was likely to pass. In the midst of this tragedy, the mother was able to join her daughter at the bedside. Every time I walked by, Robert was in the patient's room. He took his computer chair inside and sat with the mother and patient. He was present. Presence is often the greatest form of compassion and empathy. Simply being with someone in their grief and tragedy is often all we can offer as consolation. Robert was so present to this patient and her mother, and I was so inspired by his unwavering empathy and drive. Not only did he take care of all the medical tasks at hand with grace, but he so quietly supported this family with a big compassionate presence.

Thank you, Rob, for inspiring us to be more empathetic and present to our patients and their loved ones. We are so blessed to get to work alongside you during this time of immense challenge.