Rebecca Boze
November 2021
Deskovick 4
Morristown Medical Center, Atlantic Health System
United States




My anxiety kicked into high gear and Nurse Becca could not have been kinder.
I entered Morristown Memorial Hospital and was there for eight days. I had a wonderful experience with my RN Becca on the fourth floor of the Deskovick wing. I had her several times that week as the RN in charge of my care. On this day, my sixth or seventh day of being in the hospital, I was starting to go stir crazy with no bowel movement or release of gas. The doctor had just ordered a suppository to be administered to help the situation. I know it sounds crazy, but I was beside myself. I was so sad that this had to be done. I am petrified of hospitals and doctors, and then having someone to administer a suppository just made me so upset. My anxiety kicked into high gear and Nurse Becca could not have been kinder. She saw me upset and told me she would be back once the order was filled. I joked with her to take her time, as I was in no rush. She was back in no time at all and said let’s get it done now. She made an embarrassing situation (at least for me) so quick and painless and discreet. I realized shortly after that it was a change of shift and Becca would soon be leaving for the day. As she did her rounds and introduced me to the night nurse, I was so grateful for her. I had not seen this nurse at all that week and my new nurse happen to be a male. I was extremely grateful for Becca getting the order done and administering the suppository before she left for the day. I know it is not rational but if I had to have a new male nurse be the one to have to administer this medication I would’ve just died of embarrassment. My anxiety was paralyzing at the time and Becca knew I would have been way less comfortable having a new nurse administer the suppository. I will be eternally grateful for Nurse Becca knowing her patient and recognizing my fears and getting the job done before the end of her shift. I will forever be grateful for her and her kindness and her abilities as a fabulous nurse.